Wednesday, December 31, 2008
...and I thought I was self-sufficient
homesickness... that was virtually non-existent in my vocabulary - not at least from being alone. i was bored from work, and that's where most of the issues rooted from.
now that i am far away from home in its truest sense, and freezing in Amman for that matter, I have never felt so alone. don't get me wrong... i am making things happen for myself this time around. i won't give in to my childish ways of dealing with my emotions. i guess it's just funny to find that now when i am ready to build friendships with locals and expats alike, even making a connection proves to be really tough.
it has come to a point when i dread the work hours coming to an end, because by then if i am not heading to the gym, i would have to think of how i'd buy time till it's time to lay meself to sleep. i am no longer self-sufficient, my gadgets won't speak to me. even my small tv won't speak in my language anymore.
somebody help me... i am going crazy... hehe.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
cooking adobo
Saturday, November 22, 2008
loving Amman
Amman reminds me of Baguio and Greece, because most of the roads are hilly, and all of the buildings are painted white. Talking about hilly roads, yesterday after church I realized the harder way why walking may not be the best eco-friendly solution to moving around... Unless you have super powerful legs and feet, riding a taxi to go places would still be the best option... hehe. Taxis are relatively inexpensive. From my place to here (Fitness First Mecca Mall), it is 540fils. In peso, that would just be 30-40 Pesos only. From my place to my church (that's 7th circle to Wadi almost 3rd circle), it's about 2JDs (140PHP). So it's either proximity of places and the size of the city in general, or the cheap taxi fares... =)
Last night, I went to Carrefour in City Mall, and I have to say that as far as my eyes are concerned, that's the biggest grocery I have seen in my life... It's like 5 floors of SM hypermarket. There is no problem getting my comfort foods here - that's one more thing I love. This morning i munched on buns with nutella... and Doritos, bow. hehe.
Anyway, got to go now... I hope the boiler is working now... otherwise, it's gonna be a cold day again in the apartment... grrrr...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
moving to Amman
I quit my job for a new one, only to find myself jobless in the end. Waited patiently (sometimes impatiently)... Bummed around Beijing till I got yet another bad news. Went home to find my grandma in the ICU - but she's better now.
Anyway, I think it's the karmic cycle.
I am about to start my journey to the Middle East. I am not jumping up and down, mainly because the flights are at least 17 hours (can go upto more than 24 depending on the airline you will use). That alone may equate to lesser chance of flying back home. One thing is for sure though - I am happy and excited with the thought of working again soon. Seriously, I think due to the lack of mental activity in the past 1 1/2 months, my brain has already shrunk by 10%... hehe.
I have shopped for all the necessities, though I think I will need to buy some more stuffs when I get back in Beijing. I've heard Amman can easily beat Dubai in terms of average prices of goods.
I have been researching the past few days about the place which I will soon call my new home. So far, so good. I will surely ride that hop-on hop-off tourist bus during one of my first weekends there.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
i am a scientist
i honestly think that most people have forgotten that there are more thrills outside the walls of their respective companies and their jobs which they take so seriously; well until few days ago, i was one of them.
i am a scientist. you see, in the past 8 months or so, i have been inventing(for the lack of better term) things which I can make myself busy with. On the first few months, i was sending sparks here and there, establishing my presence and making everyone happy with my fresh projects. But on the, ermm, i think 5th month, i realized i have run out of bright ideas. i arrived at my dreaded plateau tad too early.
i got bored (well i still am). i wanted that change in environment; that change in job. it's like wanting to take that u-turn over a big "no u-turn" street sign. i plunged so low that i cancelled my mandarin classes... i stopped working-out... i eloped on every chance of dining out with friends. i stopped living. it has been an office-apartment-office-apartment routine on the succeeding months. i busied myself wallowing; wallowing until i decided on the date when i will tender that one single sheet of shit to end the misery...
too many long lines of rather irrelevant stories more and the bottomline is - i have rebounded. much thanks to my mom who has never stopped squeezing into my brains how hard life in the philippines is right now.
...and so like a true scientist, i came back to inventing new things - new things to enjoy, to experience, to indulge on. i am still bored, i must admit, but this time i know better how to deal with it; more importantly, how to cope with it.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
jack of all trades, master of none
dunno what has gone through my mind - but at around 10:30 am today, i told beybeh that i seriously want a girlfriend - right here, right now. hehe. i am so ready for it.
having lived it for 4 years now, playing (ok fine, fooling) around is not a bit exciting anymore. it's like i've gone tired of sponge baths in a hot summer day to keep me fresh, and now wanting that sweet precious bath; like having worn leather shoes for the office, rubber for the gym, and now wanting my old pair of slippers which brings undescribable comfort. i miss waking up in the morning and then jokingly picking her nose. hehe...i miss HHWW-PSSP haha. i miss watching a movie with a girlfriend, and then ending up re-enacting some parts of the movie(huh??).. hehe...Truly, a 98m2 condo unit feels quite empty, a king size bed tad too big, a bathtub boring(??), when you live alone.
sometimes i envy the nurses, the doctors, the engineers, the chefs... to me it seems that at the very least, they know where their lives are headed to; they know what they will most likely do for the rest of their lives. more importantly, i believe that they live their lives doing what they are most passionate about. they essentially just have to build on their expertise to get a truly rewarding career.
and then there are the generalists. an economics graduate like me can go to law school, work for a bank, take further studies, teach..and so on and so forth. Seriously, with such infinite options, how would I know what to do with my life? I confess that I am bad at choosing one thing and hanging-on long enough to see what's actually in it for me. You see, fresh from university i initially worked for a bank, then after 2 months hopped to an IT company, then after 10 months jumped to the biggest shipping company in the world. seriously, where am I going to?
if we were rich, i would have gone to conservatory of music. seriously. i know i have the potential; and even if in the end i do not get an awesome salary like i enjoy now, i think i would still be happy and contented each time i see my happy listeners.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
hot chocolate
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
weekend in HK
i ended the day with migraine, and so i did something therapeutic in the evening...
have you splurged on clothes lately? hehehe...
Friday, June 6, 2008
beifangren comes to nanfang - day 2
we started the trip to shenzhen at around 11:30am. while hopeful that the rain will stop, i expected that it might last a bit longer than usual. after all, we are nearing the dragon boat festival. i, however, did not expect that it will last forever..hehe! christine and I were not able to do anything at all.
so, making the most out of the situation, we decided to head to diwang plaza. we went to starbucks for a quick refreshment. i had a dark mocha frappucino.
the taste is rather familiar - very much like rhumba frappucino (aww, why was it phased-out actually?!?). haha, i bet you see the big raindrops, no matter how blurred they are, on the upper left of the photo; that's how heavy the rain was.
and after an hour of waiting for the rain to stop (well, it never stopped anyway), we decided to head to jollibee shenzhen! yup yup!
as advised by manong manager, they have changed the menu and the taste of the foods to suit the Chinese palate. well, it cannot be that different, i thought to myself. it was only when i was already pigging-out on my spaghetti and chickenjoy that i realized these are not the Jollibee foods i craved for every sunday when i was a kid! cannot blame them though. shenzhen is not like hongkong where the number of filipino patrons alone can sustain the business. the shenzhen branch has targetted the Chinese market more, i guess.
when i was still in the Philippines, my jollibee food trip would not be complete without having ube-keso ice craze. however, as that was not on the menu, i settled with halo halo instead.
not that it comes close to what i would usually have in the philippines; but i enjoyed it a lot - each and every "sahog" of it..
Thursday, June 5, 2008
beifangren comes to nanfang - day (or evening rather) 1
i love this soup! mushroom with smoked salmon. i am not a big fan of salmon, but when it's in this mushroom soup, it's gone in seconds... the almond gives it a bit of a nutty taste. awesome!
so after the soup and the salad, i had pan fried chicken steak (blah blah i forgot..) with mashed potato. now this dish is simply flawless! if you love some sweetness in your food(like me), then you will love this even more. the mashed potato was perfect. did not even bother to count the calories, nyahaha!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
how many calories can you burn?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
happy sunday!
and yes, those are garlic bulbs... hehe.. i also bought some more veggies for my yet another experimental dish.
but of course, i am not that perfect.... nyahahaha...
ey wait, it is "naturally fat free!", so it is still ok... hehe. afterall, kindergartens can't live without jelly. happy sunday everyone! =)
Friday, May 30, 2008
hanyu addict
having told you the above, i thought i had a gift for languages - which held true.. until i started learning Hanyu(Chinese). Hanyu, i must say, is by far the most difficult language i have ever known. might it be because of the four tones (i.e, a "flat" ma denotes inquiry, and a "rising-tone" ma means mama)? or might it be because even at its simplest form, which is the pinyin, you cannot just read the chinese words as they are written? or might be because you need to master three aspects of it - the characters, how to pronounce them, and the tone of each of the 855 most-used characters. all these, compared to 26 letters of the english alphabet, which when you try to mix and match, would more or less be read as how you've put the letters together.
oh and i forgot, one also needs to unlearn his English lessons to fully master Hanyu. in general, the order of subject, predicate, direct and indirect objects is the reversed of that of English. "i shall wait for you at the school gate" in English, shall be "i, at the school gate, wait you" in Hanyu.
i am already at the 18th lesson now of my 30-lesson package, which is supposed to equip me with all that i need to come back to philippines in one piece. despite this, i still find myself lost in translation, and i still feel that sensation of braincells at a standstill. nevertheless, not even in a single moment have i thought of quitting... - rest, yes! - but quit, never. i have made a pact with myself that i shall only stop learning Hanyu once my proficiency has been categorized and more importantly certified by HSK Center.
so, after few minutes of revision for tomorrow's class, i decided to finish my last cheesecake. this one's that which has rose petals.
and this for me, is reward enough for the rather chaotic week that has just passed - because afterall, i am just a kindergarten.
goodnight people, happy weekend, too!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
cause in the animal kingdom, males are much vainer
don't get me wrong, i am not that vain - well, not yet -hehe. i am not even sure why i am writing this entry. maybe it's because my chest muscles are effin' sore.. after sets of inclined, chest, and declined press. maybe to let you know how painstaking looking good can be. maybe to give my record-breaking dumbbell press tonight (at 45-45lbs) justice.
i guess i am merely preparing... preparing by exerting conscious effort to look good, so by the time i find her, looks won't be an issue anymore. oh yes, i have known this for so long - that is, i do have quite a handful of insecurities. i believe working my way to reversing them is not bad after all. in the end, it's a killing-two-birds-with-one-stone situation.
see... at the end of it all... i am still a kindergarten at heart.. cheers!.. hehe
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
what makes the 5s in 5-2s and the 4s in 4-3s...
this baby's one big flat screen.. not sure about the size (as it was already here when i moved in), but i think it's 42"-ish
that door you see is the master's bedroom's, and that's where i lay my pseudo-tired body everyday..hehe. i must say it is a "posh" condo unit, with around 100m2 of playfield. there is another room (relatively smaller) opposite that door. can easily accomodate 2 persons. come visit! =)
yup! my usual "dabao"(take-out) consists of three carefully selected cheesecakes. last sunday night, i took home mixed-nuts, blueberry, and rose petals (believe it or not!) cheesecakes. i started with the mixed-nuts cheesecake, which in the beginning looked like this
let's not even go to how it looked like after a minute... simply put, it turned invisible.. hehe
was i successful in convincing you to pay me a visit? hehe... lemme know...
[note: i can only post entries, but i cannot see the actual blog... it's blocked... China-wide. so apologies if some parts of the lay-out look funny]
Guess who's back
there are a lot of reasons why people blog. in my opinion, the below are some:
- you have nothing better to do but blog
- you have no one to talk to and share your thoughts/videos/pics with - i mean, not instantly when you find the need for one(or more)
- and sometimes, as my friend christine simply puts it - "because there's a sense of relief in putting your words out there... those who care can read, and those who don't can ignore... in general, no one really gets hurt"
i guess for me, it's more of the number 3 than any reason else.
living alone, and in China for that matter, has allowed me to master the art of snapping out of my boredom, depression, and at times even desperation. nope, i didn't even need self-help books. it is in my lowest of moments that i found myself tired of being lonely - and just like that, I am able to muster the courage and strength to get back on track. it is a continuous cycle, and that is simply just how it is going to be. when i will take my next bout i do not know, but i am ready... so bring it on..
it is not hard to depress yourself when you live in China. not to mean anything negative (because it's me, not them, just to clarify), but when i arrived here, it was a struggle to understand and be understood. oh yes, baby, you can easily get lost in translation here. the first few months was survival out of body languange, and even now that i already speak the "essentials", i still find myself wondering if my words make sense to them at all. "wode laoshi gaosu wo, wode fayin shi hen hao, danshi wode shengdiao youshihou bu hao" [my teacher tells me, my pronunciation is very good, but sometimes my tone is bad - hahaha]. oh yes, it is not enough to know how to pronounce pinyin, one also needs to master the tones.
in a "normal" week, i get 5 good days and 2 bad days. in some tad too unfortunate weeks, it's 4-3. cheap finds (and i mean it), heavenly-tasting foods, my nice condo (with 46"-in-the-sofa and 42"-in-my-room TVs), 90-peso cheesecake slices, and my Sat TV (which allows me to watch TV patrol every night), are some of the things that make good days. what maketh the bad days? i dare not start.. hehe...
well, i am really happy to be back into blogging... now, more than ever, i shall feel good knowing that i am just few clicks away to my virtual confidant...