Sunday, November 16, 2008

moving to Amman

I died then lived again, period.

I quit my job for a new one, only to find myself jobless in the end. Waited patiently (sometimes impatiently)... Bummed around Beijing till I got yet another bad news. Went home to find my grandma in the ICU - but she's better now.

Anyway, I think it's the karmic cycle.

I am about to start my journey to the Middle East. I am not jumping up and down, mainly because the flights are at least 17 hours (can go upto more than 24 depending on the airline you will use). That alone may equate to lesser chance of flying back home. One thing is for sure though - I am happy and excited with the thought of working again soon. Seriously, I think due to the lack of mental activity in the past 1 1/2 months, my brain has already shrunk by 10%... hehe.

I have shopped for all the necessities, though I think I will need to buy some more stuffs when I get back in Beijing. I've heard Amman can easily beat Dubai in terms of average prices of goods.

I have been researching the past few days about the place which I will soon call my new home. So far, so good. I will surely ride that hop-on hop-off tourist bus during one of my first weekends there.

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